Jameliah Shorter-Bourhanou

Assistant Professor

Areas of Expertise

Critical Philosophy of Race Immanuel Kant (Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Race) African American Philosophy Black Feminist Philosophy


Ph.D., Penn State University


I was born and raised in Augusta, Georgia. For my undergraduate studies, I attended Paine College, a small, historically African American liberal arts college in my hometown on a full academic scholarship. In 2009, I graduated with a degree in Philosophy and Religion as Salutatorian of my class. That fall, I started the MA/PhD program in Philosophy at Penn State University. In 2014, while ABD, I accepted my first tenure-track position in a Philosophy department at a public liberal arts college in Georgia. I successfully defended my dissertation in 2015. In 2018, I took a research leave to pursue the two-year Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship in the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies here at Holy Cross. In 2020, the multicultural students at Holy Cross identified me as one of the professors who made an impact on their lives. I have an article “Legitimizing Blacks in Philosophy” (2017) and another “Maria W. Stewart, Ethnologist and Black Feminist” which is forthcoming with Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. My book, tentatively entitled Racism and Kantian Cosmopolitanism, is under contract with Oxford University Press.