I was born in Valladolid, Spain, where I got my Bachelor's degree in Geography and History, with an specialization in Medieval Spanish History. When I came to the USA I was still interested in the Middle Ages but decided to move from History to Literature and Linguistics. I was fortunate enough to end up at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where I received my Ph.D. in Hispano Romance Linguistics and Philology with a dissertation on Medieval Spanish military lexicography. There I also became very involved with the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies.
Throughout the years I have authored two dictionaries—both of military terminology, an edition of the Spanish version of the Art of Dying Well, numerous articles on lexicography and linguistic corpus design, and several paleographical transcriptions of medieval and colonial Spanish texts.
I have taught doctorate courses in different universities in the United States (University of Massachusetts-Amherst and Boston University) and Spain (Universidad de León, Universidad de Valladolid, and Universitat de les Illes Balears).
Since 2015 I have worked with F. Javier Pueyo in the development of the Old Spanish Textual Archive, a lemmatized and morphologically tagged linguistic corpus of about 35,000,000 words, based on more than 400 semi-palaeographic transcriptions of medieval texts written in Spanish, Asturian, Leonese, Navarro-Aragonese and Aragonese carried out by the collaborators of the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies.
- Medieval Spanish Literature
- History of the Spanish Language
- Lexicography
- Computers in Modern Languages
Selected Publications
- Gago Jover, Francisco, and Sonia Kania. 2020: “The Colonial Texts Corpus for the Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts.” Research in Corpus Linguistics, 8(1), 33-48.
- Gago Jover, Francisco, and F. Javier Pueyo Mena. 2018: “El Old Spanish Textual Archive, diseño y desarrollo de un corpus de textos medievales: lematización y etiquetado gramatical.” Scriptum Digital, 7 (2018), pp. 25-35.
- Gago Jover, Francisco, and F. Javier Pueyo Mena. 2018: “El Old Spanish Textual Archive, diseño y desarrollo de un corpus de textos medievales: el corpus textual.” Cuadernos del Instituto Historia de la Lengua, 11 (2018), pp. 165-209.
- Gago Jover, Francisco. 2015: “La Biblioteca Digital de Textos del Español Antiguo (BiDTEA).” Scriptum Digital, 4 (2015), pp. 5-36.
- Gago Jover, Francisco. 2012: “El léxico militar en el Poema de Alfonso XI.” Cuadernos del Instituto Historia de la Lengua, 7 (2012): 457-509.
- Gago Jover, Francisco. 2012: “Catálogo descriptivo de la lexicografía militar española anterior a la primera guerra mundial.” Revista de lexicografía, 17 (2011): 33-63.
- Gago Jover, Francisco. 2011. “El Vocabulario asturiano y castellano, coleccionado de la viva voz del pueblo: breve estudio y edición.” Revista de Filoloxía Asturiana, 9/10 (2009-2010): 9-38.
- Gago Jover, Francisco, and Fernando Tejedo-Herrero. 2007. Diccionario militar de Raimundo Sanz. Edición y estudio. Zaragoza: Institución Fernando el Católico.
- Gago Jover, Francisco. 2002. Vocabulario militar castellano (siglos XIII-XV). Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada.
Digital Projects
- Gago Jover, Francisco, and F. Javier Pueyo Mena. Old Spanish Textual Archive. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. http://oldspanishtextualarchive.org/osta/osta.php
- Gago Jover, Francisco (ed.). 2018. Colonial Texts. Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. http://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/col/index.htm
- Gago Jover, Francisco (ed.). 2017. Fuero General de Navarra Texts. Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. http://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/fgn/index.htm
- Gago Jover, Francisco (ed.). 2017. Lazarillo de Tormes (1554) Texts. Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. http://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/laz/index.htm
- Gago Jover, Francisco (ed.). 2016. Spanish Chronicle Texts. Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. http://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/cro/index.htm
- Gago Jover, Francisco (ed.). 2015. Early CelestinaTexts. Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. http://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/cel/index.htm
- Gago Jover, Francisco (ed.). 2015. Spanish PoeticTexts. Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. http://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/poe/index.htm
- Gago Jover, Francisco (ed.). 2014. Biblical Texts. Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. http://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/bib/index.htm
- Gago Jover, Francisco (ed.). 2013. Spanish Legal Texts. Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. http://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/lex/index.htm
- Gago Jover, Francisco (ed.). 2013. Navarro-Aragonese Texts. Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. http://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/nar/index.htm
- Gago Jover, Francisco (ed.). 2012. Spanish Medical Texts. Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. http://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/med/index.htm
- Gago Jover, Francisco (ed.). 2011. Prose Works of Alfonso X el sabio. Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. http://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/ac/index.htm
- Gago-Jover, Francisco, Michael J. Ferreira, and Ernesto González-Seoane (eds). 2011. Lexical Studies of Medieval Galician-Portuguese Texts. An On-Line Bibliography of Concordances, Glossaries, Vocabularies and Selected Word Studies. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies/La corónica, A Journal of Medieval Spanish Language, Literature & Cultural Studies. http://www.hispanicseminary.org/lsmgpt/
- Dworkin, Steven N., and Francisco Gago-Jover (eds). 2004. Lexical Studies of Medieval Spanish Texts. An On-Line Bibliography of Concordances, Glossaries, Vocabularies and Selected Word Studies. New York: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies/La corónica, A Journal of Medieval Spanish Language, Literature & Cultural Studies. http://www.hispanicseminary.org/lsmst
Professional Activities
- Director of Digital Project, Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Spanish.
- Editor for Information Technology, La corónica.