I’m Elena and I’ll be one of your Spanish FLAs for the 2024/2025 year!
So, about me, I’m 23 and I was born and raised in A Coruña, a city in Galicia, the North-West of Spain. I like to think of this place as a little Ireland, because we share our rainy weather and Celtic roots. We also have many legends and mystic tales that I can tell you about next year.
I’m a 2024 college graduate at University of A Coruña, where I studied English and Spanish philology. Although I chose this career because of literature, I’ve learnt to love its linguistic side too.
Besides from reading (what a surprise for a language student), I like listening to music (basic) and watching TV shows (unsurprising). I also like to sleep (which is a non-stereotypical way to say I enjoy a siesta from time to time, by the way).
I lived in the States when I was a junior in high school, where I helped my Spanish teacher with her classes. There, I learnt that getting other people excited to learn about my country and language is one of my passions.
I’m very excited to arrive at Holy Cross and discover what’s like there. I love New England’s falls and winters. I’m looking forward to participating in the Spanish club and cheering on the Crusaders whenever I can!
¡Hasta pronto!