Anthropological field research in Botswana on Herero minority and citizenship in liberal democracy; on youth and changing notions of adulthood; on sentiment, agency, and the public sphere.
Editor, HAU Books
- Co-editor of:
2023 In the Meantime: An Anthropology of the Possible. Edited by Adeline Masquelier and Deborah Durham. Berghahn. - 2017 Elusive Adulthoods: The Anthropology of New Maturities. Edited by Deborah Durham and Jacqueline Solway. Indiana University Press.
- 2011 The Anthropology of Disgust. Theme issue of Ethnos 75 (2), with articles by myself, Adeline Masquelier, Christopher Taylor, and Laura Bellows.
- 2008 Figuring the Future: Globalization and the Temporalities of Children and Youth. Edited by Jennifer Cole and Deborah Durham. School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Series (SAR Press).
- 2007 Generations and Globalization: Youth, Age, and Family in the New World Economy.
Edited by Jennifer Cole and Deborah Durham (Indiana University Press).