Cristina Ballantine

Professor-On Leave Until Fall 2026 - Distinguished Professor of Science

Areas of Expertise

Number Theory Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory Algebraic Combinatorics Visualization of complex functions


Ph.D., University of Toronto


  1. Combinatorial proofs of inequalities involving the number of partitions with parts separated by parity (with Amanda Welch), submitted.
  2. Jacobi’s cubic analog of the pentagonal number theorem and representations of 24n + 5 as a sum of two squares (with Mircea Merca), submitted.
  3. Combinatorial aspects of truncated theta series and related results (with Brooke Feigon), submitted.
  4. Partitions and elementary symmetric polynomials- an experimental approach, (with George Beck and Mircea Merca), submitted.
  5. Parity of 3-regular partition numbers and Diophantine equations (with Mircea Merca and Cristian-Silviu Radu), submitted, minor revisions requested.
  6. Mock theta functions and related combinatorics (with Hannah Burson, Amanda Folsom, ChiYun Hsu, Isabella Negrini and Boya Wen), Research directions in number theory, 133–169, Assoc. Women Math. Ser., 33, Springer, Cham, (2024).
  7. Generalizations of POD and PED partitions, (with Amanda Welch), Discrete Math. 347 (2024), no. 11, Paper No. 114150.
  8. Partitions enumerated by self-similar sequences, (with George Beck), online first in New Frontiers in Number Theory and Applications. 51–96, Trends Math., Birkh¨ auser/Springer, Cham, [2024]
  9. Plane partitions and divisors (with Mircea Merca), Symmetry 2024, 16(1), Paper No. 5, 13pp.
  10. Combinatorial proofs of Merca’s identities involving the sum of different parts congruent to r modulo m in all partitions of n, Integers 24 (2024), Paper No. A15, 14 pp.

Complete Listing of Publications