Ann Glennie

Visiting Assistant Professor

Areas of Expertise

Archaeology, art and architecture of the ancient Mediterranean Ecology, hydraulic engineering and water management


Ph.D., Florida State University


In 2009, I graduated with a B.A. in Anthropology and Classical Civilization from the College of William and Mary in Virginia and subsequently earned my M.A. in Classical Archaeology (2013) and Ph.D. in Classics (2022) from Florida State University.  In 2018-2019, I served as the Resident Instructor at the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome.  Since 2007, I have excavated at the Etruscan site of Poggio Civitate, where I am the cataloger, and, since 2013, at the Roman site of Cosa, where I am co-assistant director.


  • Introduction To Latin 1
  • Water and Humans
  • Introduction To Latin 2
  • Humans and Water

Research & Teaching Interests

  • Roman archaeology, art, and history from the Iron Age to the late Imperial period
  • Roman hydraulic engineering, social impact of water management
  • Roman colonies of the Republican and early Imperial periods
  • the Etruscans
  • the Phoenicians, Punic peoples, and Carthaginians
  • weaving metaphor in Latin literature