Alex Hindman

Assistant Professor

Areas of Expertise

American Politics; U.S. Constitution; Separation of Powers; Public Law


Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University


Alex E. Hindman is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts. He earned his B.A. in Political Science from Saint Vincent College in 2005 and continued his graduate education at Claremont Graduate University where he earned an M.A. in 2007 and took his Ph.D. in 2015. Specializing in American ideas and institutions, Dr. Hindman has taught a variety of classes in constitutional law, Western political thought and American political development. Before joining the faculty at Holy Cross, Dr. Hindman had previously taught at Azusa Pacific University, Vanguard University, and Morehead State University. He recently published a book entitled Gerald Ford and the Separation of Powers: Preserving the Constitutional Presidency in the Post-Watergate Period available now from Lexington Books.

  • Principles of American Government
  • Constitutional Law: National Powers
  • Constitutional Law: Rights & Liberties
  • Law, Politics & Society

Select Publications

Alex E. Hindman, "Constitutional Legitimacy and the Practices of American Presidents" in Citizens and Statesmen: An Annual Review of Political Theory and Public Life, vol. 11, Bradley C.S. Watson, ed. (Latrobe: Center for Political and Economic Thought, 2019).

Alex E. Hindman, Gerald Ford and the Separation of Powers: Preserving the Constitutional Presidency in the Post-Watergate Period (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books; 2017).

Alex Hindman and Jean Schroedel, “U.S. Responses to HIV/AIDS in Africa: Policies and Perceptions of the Bush Administration” Human Rights and Global Focus (Vol. 5, No. 2, 2010): pg. 3-10


Alex E. Hindman, “There’s a Strategy Behind Trump’s NFL Fight. Don’t Fall for It.” Fortune Magazine, September 29, 2017 

Alex E. Hindman, “Trump Can’t Take Away America’s Status as a Global Power-Even if He Blows His UN Speech” Fortune Magazine, September 15, 2017 

Alex E. Hindman, “The Roots of Trump’s Hypocrisy.” Fortune Magazine, August 29, 2017.