37 Results found for: "History"

  • Sahar Bazzaz

    Professor, History Department Chair
    Areas of Expertise Middle Eastern; North African; Islam; Imperial Encounters; History of Science
  • Rosa Carrasquillo

    Helen M. Whall Chair in Race, Gender and Social Justice, Co-Director of Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies
    Areas of Expertise Caribbean and Latin American History; Visual Culture; Black Feminism
  • Cynthia Hooper

    Associate Professor, Russian and Eastern European Studies Program Advisor
    Areas of Expertise Russian and Soviet history; comparative dictatorship; culture and politics in 20th century Europe
  • Hannah Abrahamson

    Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Early modern Latin America, Indigenous History, Atlantic World, Colonialism, Gender, Sexuality, Digital Humanities
  • Lorraine Attreed

    Areas of Expertise Medieval Europe, Medieval England, Diplomacy and law, Renaissance
  • Arman Azimi

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Middle East, Medicine, Social Movements
  • Kate Bush

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise premodern Europe, Mediterranean; women and gender; hagiography and religious culture; the Reformations
  • Noel Cary

    Areas of Expertise Modern Germany; Europe, especially since 1945; History of science
  • Mary Conley

    Associate Professor
    Areas of Expertise Modern Britain and Empire; Ireland and India; Imperialism and post-colonialism; History of gender, family and childhood; Maritime history