Services & Hours

Mail Distribution

Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Students will receive an email as mail is scanned in. Please visit the service window to pick up.

Package Distribution

Students will receive an email when packages are scanned in. If the package is stored in a locker, the email will contain a 4-digit code to be entered at the corresponding locker bank kiosk. Locker banks are accessible during all open hours of the Hogan Campus Center. Overflow and oversized packages can be picked up at the back package window Monday - Friday from 11 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

USPS Window Services

Monday - Friday
11 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Stamp Transactions available. Cash only.

UPS Window Services

Monday - Friday
11 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Services include ground and overnight shipping. Cash or card accepted.

Mailing Procedures

For the most efficient means of your mail coming to the College, please use the following format:

Student Name - HC BOX ####
College of the Holy Cross
1 College Street
Worcester, MA 01610-2395

Improperly addressed mail causes additional handling, delays and misdeliveries. Mail without the correct student box will be returned to the sender as "undeliverable as addressed." If the mail does not include "College of the Holy Cross", the United States Postal Service may deliver it to another college located in Worcester with the same zip code as Holy Cross, or to the USPS box section in Worcester.

We understand that there will be situations in which a piece of mail may not bear the correct information. When this situation occurs, Holy Cross Mail Services will make every attempt to deliver the letter whenever possible. This situation should not occur on items such as bank statements, telephone bills, monthly charge bills or magazine subscriptions. Thank you for your cooperation.

Incoming Deliveries

All packages sent to students via the Postal Service, UPS, Federal Express, DHL, or other carriers are received and distributed by Holy Cross Mail Services.

Academic-Year Limited Forwarding

First and second class mail will be forwarded to the home address of those students who are on leave, in Washington, D.C., or abroad.

Mail will be forwarded during Christmas break by special request only. Forwarding services are not available during Fall, Thanksgiving, Spring, or Easter breaks.

Summer Forwarding

Mail forwarding will start after finals for underclassmen and after graduation for seniors. All mail will be sent to the student's home address unless a change of address form or hold order is filed with Mail Services.

Graduating seniors have 90 days to change their address on all mail.

Letters can be sent to faculty and other students using campus mail. Postage is not required for this service. Items must be a minimum size of a postcard and must be small enough to put into a post office box. Only items with correct student box number will be distributed. Items which are not considered to be "mail," will not be distributed and be returned to the sender if known.

Mail to be distributed to students must be banded and sorted by HC Mail Number. It may be returned to sender if not sorted in this manner.

Campus Flyers & Notices

In an effort to nurture a more sustainable "paperless" campus, Mail Services discourages the use of paper flyers and notices sent by Holy Cross departments and student organizations.

Contact Us

Mount St. James Station
College of the Holy Cross
1 College Street
Worcester, MA 01610-2395