Mark Shriver '86 on his father: A Good Man

Mark Shriver '86Date of Lecture: November 1, 2012

About the Speaker: Mark K. Shriver has devoted his career to social and public service. He is senior vice president of U.S. programs at Save the Children. He was a member of the Maryland Juvenile Justice Advisory Council and served on the Board of Directors of the Public Justice Center, the Maryland Governor's Task Force on Alternative Sanctions to Incarceration, and the Maryland Governor's Commission on Service. He also founded The Choice Program in 1988, which helps at-risk and delinquent youth make choices that strengthen their families and communities. He served two terms in Maryland House of Delegates, the lower house of the Maryland state legislature. After his father's death in 2011, Shriver wrote the memoir, "A Good Man: Rediscovering My Father, Sargent Shriver."

Read more about Mark Shriver.

About the Lecture: Shriver shares stories about his dad, Sargent Shriver, adviser to the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, founder of the Peace Corps, Jobs Corps, Vista and Head Start, and architect of the War on Poverty. He talks about his father's interactions with everyday people, his support of his wife, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, and family, and his battle with Alzheimer's.

Rev. Anthony Kuzniewski, S.J., professor of history at Holy Cross, introduces Mark Shriver and offers a historical account of Sargent Shriver's life.

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Read the story that appeared in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette.