Through powerful lectures, thought-provoking discussions, conferences and support for innovative faculty scholarship, the McFarland Center is a place where Catholic and Jesuit perspectives interact with other traditions to create spirited, respectful dialogue.

The McFarland Center’s programs address a wide range of religious and ethical issues while providing thought leadership in two specific areas: global Catholicism and Jewish-Christian understanding.

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Mission Statement

The Rev. Michael C. McFarland, S.J. Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture at Holy Cross derives its mission from the College’s conviction, that "the search for meaning and value is at the heart of the intellectual life." The McFarland Center ensures that exploration of the complex interrelationships among religion, ethics and culture plays a vital role in the life of the Holy Cross community. It provides a forum for intellectual exchange and multidisciplinary inquiry that respects people of all faiths, cultures and nationalities while working to enhance awareness of injustice and the conditions that foster human wellbeing.

Global Catholicism

The McFarland Center is among the world’s leading resources for helping students, scholars and the general public understand the diversity and context-specificity of Catholic practice in a Church whose greatest vitality is increasingly found in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Through multimedia web resources, a scholarly journal, lectures, conferences and book projects, the Center promotes scholarship on global Catholicism both on and off campus.

Jewish-Christian Understanding

The McFarland Center is committed to interreligious dialogue, with a special emphasis on Jewish-Christian understanding.

  • Readings from the Roots

    By sponsoring Readings from the Roots, a historically sensitive translation of the Revised Common Lectionary, the McFarland Center helps Christians engage in scripture readings that are true to their original contexts and free of anti-Jewish sentiment.

    Readings from the Roots
  • Kraft-Hiatt Program for Jewish-Christian Understanding

    Funded by the College and the Kraft-Hiatt family, the program sponsors opportunities that impact students, faculty and the campus community as a whole. The initiative includes lecture series, conferences, visiting scholars and support for faculty and students to study abroad.

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  • Study & Research Opportunities

    The Kraft-Hiatt Fund has enabled Holy Cross faculty to attend seminars at Yad Vashem, the world's Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem, as well as the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., and has supported students' study abroad at Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

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Upcoming Campus Lectures & Conferences

Ilia Delio / Why Science and Religion Need Each Other: Teilhard de Chardin’s Deep Catholicity

4:30 - 5:45 p.m. | March 17, 2025

Rehm Library, Smith Hall

Science and religion remain at odds today, despite the insistence of Saint John Paul II and Pope Francis to reconcile these areas toward an integrated worldview. Ilia Delio, Franciscan sister and Josephine C. Connelly Endowed Chair in Theology at Villanova University, explores the ideas of Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest and scientist who developed a cosmic vision of Catholicity, and reflects on whether or not his vision can provide hope in light of the technological challenges of the twenty-first century.

A Deitchman Family Lecture on Religion and Modernity.

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Hasia Diner / How the Irish Helped the Jews Become American

4:30 - 5:45 p.m. | March 24, 2025

Rehm Library, Smith Hall

From the end of the nineteenth century into the early twentieth, Irish Americans opened doors for Jewish immigrants and other newcomers to the United States. Hasia Diner, Professor Emerita at New York University and Director of the Goldstein-Goren Center for American Jewish History, considers how and where this allyship played itself out and what each group, the Jews and the Irish, had to gain from it.

Part of the Kraft-Hiatt Program for Jewish-Christian Understanding. 

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Penned in 1984 by an ecumenical group of ten deaf and hearing women and men from North America, the Claggett statement was an early expression of Deaf Liberation theology produced at a time of cultural awakening and creativity among Deaf people. This symposium spotlights this important statement on its 40th anniversary, by bringing together scholars and practitioners from the United States and beyond to examine the past, present and future of the Claggett Statement for Deaf Christians across the world.  Thi

March 28 and 29, 2025

Seelos Theatre, Kimball Hall

Penned in 1984 by an ecumenical group of ten deaf and hearing women and men from North America, the Claggett statement was an early expression of Deaf Liberation theology produced at a time of cultural awakening and creativity among Deaf people. This symposium spotlights this important statement on its 40th anniversary, by bringing together scholars and practitioners from the United States and beyond to examine the past, present and future of the Claggett Statement for Deaf Christians across the world.

This conference is co-organized by Audrey Seah (Religious Studies) and Kirk VanGilder (Gallaudet University).

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R.A.R. Edwards ‘90 / Historiography and the Archives: Deaf History as Archival Practice

4:30-5:45 p.m. | March 28, 2025

Seelos Theatre, Kimball Hall

R.A.R. Edwards, Professor of History at Rochester Institute of Technology, discusses historiography using the Deaf Catholic Archives as a model to demonstrate the opportunities and advantages, as well as the challenges and obstacles, that researchers encounter when using archival collections.

Co-sponsored with the Archives & Distinctive Collections department.

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A Passion for Celebration: The Inspired Legacy of Elie Wiesel

4:30-5:45 p.m. | March 31, 2025

Rehm Library, Smith Hall

Known for his eloquence as a survivor of the Holocaust, his accomplishments as a literary master, his advocacy of Jewish causes and study, and his unstinting activism as a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Elie Wiesel also made "celebration" a key term in his personal lexicon of life and work. Alan Rosen, Kraft-Hiatt Scholar in Residence, will aim to show how Wiesel’s passion for celebration, cultivated over decades, served as a driving force behind his vocation and message.

Part of the Kraft-Hiatt Program for Jewish-Christian Understanding. 

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Emily Wilson / Thomas More Lecture: War, Homecoming, Heroism, Truth

4:30-5:45 p.m. | April 1, 2025

Rehm Library, Smith Hall

Emily Wilson, Department Chair and Professor of Classical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, discusses what we might learn from the Homeric poems about ethics and empathy, moral and poetic challenges of studying, & engaging with and translating the distant past.

A Thomas More Lecture on the Humanities.

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Kate Epstein / The Military-Industrial Complex, Liberal Capitalism, and the American Way of War

4:30-5:45 p.m. | April 3, 2025

Rehm Library, Smith Hall

Historically, the United States has preferred to fight its wars by substituting technology and money for manpower. Kate Epstein, Associate Professor of History at Rutgers-Camden, will explore the implications of the US “way of war” for the nation’s commitment to liberal capitalism—that is, to norms of representative government, due process, and democratic accountability, on the one hand, and to free markets and private property rights, on the other.

Co-sponsored with Peace and Conflict Studies.

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Ruha Benjamin / Race to the Future? Resisting & Reimagining the New Jim Code

5:15-6:30 p.m. | April 8, 2025

Rehm Library, Smith Hall

Ruha Benjamin, Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, presents the concept of the “New Jim Code” to explore a range of discriminatory designs that encode inequity into technology. She will also consider how race itself is a tool designed to stratify and sanctify social injustice and discuss how technology can be used toward liberatory ends. In doing so, Ruha challenges us to question not only the technologies we are sold but also the ones we manufacture ourselves.
Co-sponsored with Critical Race and Ethnic Studies.

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Manisha Sinha / The Fall of the Second American Republic

4:30-5:45 p.m. | April 10, 2025

Rehm Library, Smith Hall

In the late nineteenth century, a formal overseas American empire rose while the long unwinding of the "Second American Republic" began. Manisha Sinha, James L. and Shirley A. Draper Chair in American History at the University of Connecticut, argues that the fall of Reconstruction paved the way for the West’s conquest and a formal and informal American empire in the Caribbean and the Pacific. 

Co-sponsored with the Department of History.

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Rehm Library

The McFarland Center's primary public space is the Rehm Library, an elegant and modern venue for lectures, forums and information sessions with state-of-the-art audio-visual capabilities. Located in Smith Hall, it also provides quiet space for study and reflection, enhanced library resources on religion and spirituality and primary texts on an array of religious traditions.

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Contact Us

Rev. Michael C. McFarland, S.J. Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture

College of the Holy Cross
1 College Street
Worcester, MA 01610-2395
Office Hours
9 a.m.-5 p.m.