Past Events: 2005-2006

FALL 2005

September 8, 2005
Thomas More Lecture on Faith, Work and Civic Life: Maggie Wilderotter, '77, Holy Cross Trustee, President and Chief Executive Officer of Citizens Communications, former Senior Vice President of Worldwide Public Sector at Microsoft.

September 30 - October 2, 2005
Keeping the Faith: Four Religious Perspectives on the Creation of Tradition - 15th Annual National Conference of the Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts.

October 12, 2005
Last Lecture Series - Robert Garvey, Associate Professor of Physics

October 19, 2005
Media and Character - David Brooks, author, New York Times Op-Ed Columnist, and weekly political commentator on National Public Radio and "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer." Condé Nast Lectures on Media, Ethics and Values.

October 24, 2005
Theocons at War - Damon Linker, Ph.D. past editor of First Things.

November 4-6, 2005
Class-ifying 'Asian Values': Culture, Morality and the Politics of Being Middle Class in Asia - Conference.

November 16, 2005
The Sacred Music of Josquin des Prez - Lecture: Professor Jessica Waldoff. Recital: the Holy Cross Chamber singers, directed by Pamela Getnick.

November 30, 2005
Islam in America - Anisa Mehdi, an Emmy Award-winning journalist and producer of documentaries on Islam.

December 6, 2005
Celebration of books recently published by HC faculty: Steve Vineberg's High Comedy in American Movies.


January 23, 2006
Los Alamos and the Atom Bomb Through a Young Boy's Eyes - James L. Nolan

February 8, 2006
Thomas More Lecture on Faith, Work and Civic Life - Sheila Cavanaugh, '81, Senior Vice President for Internal Communications at Fidelity Investments.

February 16, 2006
The Catholic Church Today and the New Pope - Rev. Charles E. Curran, the Elizabeth Scurlock University Professor of Human Values at Southern Methodist University.

February 21, 2006
Discussion of books recently published by HC faculty: Joanna Ziegler and Christopher Dustin's Practicing Mortality: Art, Philosophy, and Contemplative Seeing.

February 21, 2006
Savior of the Nation: Lincoln's Assassination and the Birth of an American Icon - Richard Wightman Fox, Professor of History at the University of Southern California.

February 22, 2006
Faculty Discussion Group on Higher Education - Discussion of Rebekah Nathan's My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student.

February 26, 2006
Religion Matters: Art, Piety, Destruction and the Politics of Display - An international group of art historians and museum professionals.

February 27, 2006
Faculty seminar on the theology of Pope Benedict XVI - Conducted by Rev. James Corkery, S.J., International Visiting Jesuit Fellow at Holy Cross.

February 27, 2006
Catholics and Contraception in Twentieth-Century America - Leslie Woodcock Tentler, The Catholic University of America. Deitchman Family Lectures in Religion and Modernity.

March 14, 2006
Catholic Childhood - Robert Orsi, Harvard University's Charles Warren Professor of the History of Religion in America. Deitchman Family Lectures in Religion and Modernity.

March 16, 2006
Catholics and Peacebuilding - Gerard F. Powers, University of Notre Dame.

March 20, 2006
A Half Century as Theologian: Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI - Rev. James Corkery, S.J., International Visiting Jesuit Fellow at Holy Cross.

March 21, 2006
Seeing Pictures of God - D. Z. Phillips, Rush Rhees Professor Emeritus, University of Wales, and Danforth Professor of the Philosophy of Religion, Claremont Graduate School.

March 23, 2006
Natural law and Oliver Wendell Holmes's refutation of it - Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University.

March 28, 2006
Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus? - Debate between Professors William Lane Craig and Bart D. Ehrman.

March 29, 2006
Discussion of books recently published by HC faculty: Stephanie Yuhl's A Golden Haze of Memory: The Making of Historic Charleston.

April 3, 2006
Last Lecture Series - David J. O'Brien, Loyola Professor of Roman Catholic Studies.

April 4, 2006
Religion and Culture in the New World: Why America Was Different for Jews - Stephen J. Whitfield, Brandeis University.

April 10, 2006
The Catholic Church in Quebec: The Quieter Revolution - Jacques Monet, S.J., Visiting International Jesuit Fellow at Holy Cross.

April 19, 2006
Belonging and Genocide. A German Story, 1914-1945 - Thomas Kuehne, Clark University.

April 21, 2006
How Rational is the Heart? How Natural is Reason? How Universal is Faith? - Adriaan Peperzak, Loyola University of Chicago.

April 24, 2006
The Sacred Music of Mozart - Recital and lecture featuring the Holy Cross Chamber Singers, Pamela Getnick, director, and Jessica Waldoff, Associate Professor and Chair of the Music Department.

May 12-14, 2006
A Church that Can and Cannot Change - A conference for alumni/ae and spouses. Speakers: Judge John Noonan, and Professors M. Catheen Kaveny (Notre Dame Law School), Margaret Farley RSM (Yale University), and James Heft, SM (University of Dayton).