Race and National Imaginaries in the Americas

This series explores questions about nationalism, identity and race in the 21st century: How do we imagine the nation? Who is imagining the nation? Who is included or excluded? The series is sponsored by Latin American and Latino Studies, the McFarland Center, the Carson Lecture Series, Africana Studies and Asian Studies.

Matthew Frye JacobsonFebruary 19, 2014
“Do I Look Illegal?” Race, Immigration, and U.S. Political Culture — Matthew Frye Jacobson is the William Robertson Coe Professor of American Studies & History and professor of African American studies at Yale University. He is the author of five books on race, immigration, and U.S. political culture, including "Roots Too: White Ethnic Revival in Post-Civil Rights America" (Harvard University Press, 2005) and "Barbarian Virtues: The United States Encounters Foreign Peoples at Home and Abroad, 1876-1917" (Hill & Wang, 2000).


Sam MartinezMarch 12, 2014
Anti-Haitian Exclusionism in the Dominican Republic: A Biopolitical Turn? — Sam Martinez, associate professor of anthropology at the University of Connecticut, speaks on the recent court ruling in the Dominican Republic that denies citizenship to residents of Haitian descent. Martinez has written two ethnographic monographs and several peer-reviewed articles on the migration and labor and minority rights of Haitian nationals and people of Haitian ancestry in the Dominican Republic.
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Jorge J.E. GraciaApril 15, 2014
Affirmative Action for Latinos — Jorge J. E. Gracia is Samuel P. Capen Chair and SUNY Distinguished Professor in the departments of Philosophy and Comparative Literature at SUNY Buffalo. He has written and edited more than 40 books, including “Surviving Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality in the Twenty-First Century” (Rowman & Littlefield, 2005), “Hispanic/Latino Identity: A Philosophical Perspective” (Blackwell, 2000), and the forthcoming “Latinos in America: Philosophy and Social Identity.”
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