Almost every student at the College will at some time experience personal problems. Often a student finds solutions using their own initiative and resources. However, some students will experience problems serious enough or of sufficient duration to warrant the concern of others.
There are a number of signs which can alert you to a student who may require professional attention. These include:
- any talk about harming self or others, or any action which could harm self or others
- significant changes in personal relationships including separation or divorce of parents, the death of a friend or relative, roommate quarrels or other difficulties with peers, or the breakup of a romantic relationship
- preoccupation with dieting and physical appearance, restrictive eating patterns or binging and purging
- physical complaints like headaches or upset stomach
- anxiety (fears) or depression (unhappiness)
- changes in mood or behavior
- alcohol and/or other drug abuse
- confusion and apprehension about future academic, career or personal choices and problems with academics including failure to attend classes and poor performance on tests and assignments.