Get Help in a Crisis: Confidential Support and Medical Services

There are many resources available to campus community members who need assistance in matters regarding sexual misconduct. In an emergency, please dial 911 or 508-793-2222 (ext. 2222 from any campus phone).

Crisis Counseling 

Resources are available both on and off campus to assist campus community members with support and advice in a confidential setting.  Sexual & Relationship Violence (PDF)

Confidential College Resources

College’s Primary Confidential Resource Provider

The College’s Primary Confidential Resource Provider (PRCP): Elizabeth Drexler-Hines, MPH, MCHES, Director of Student Wellness Education. Contact Elizabeth at 508-793-2302 and/or

  • The College’s Primary Confidential Resource Provider is trained in awareness and prevention of sexual misconduct and in responding to harm in a sensitive manner to help individuals.
  • The PRCP is not a Responsible Employee and has no duty to report sexual misconduct to the College or to the Title IX coordinator and will not disclose confidential information without an individual’s consent, unless otherwise required by law. 
  • The PRCP can assist individuals in understanding their rights, reporting options, how to obtain a criminal protection order/a College no contact order/a College no trespass order, explain criminal and campus-based procedures, refer to counseling and assist with obtaining campus-based supportive measures. 
  • The Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity remains available to also provide this information and support but the PRCP is an alternative option for community members who are unsure if they would like to make the College aware of sexual misconduct. 

Community Resources

Medical Attention 

Victims/survivors may wish to seek medical care to treat injuries or STD/STIs and/or in association with potential pregnancy. Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs), who are trained to provide free trauma-informed services including forensic medical exams, court testimony as appropriate, and to facilitate aftercare services for sexual assault victims/survivors. SANEs are available at designated regional hospitals, including Saint Vincent Hospital and UMass Memorial. If you are in need of transportation, Health Services can assist you with securing transportation through Red Cab.

The Health Services staff at Holy Cross is committed to providing students with clear, up-to-date, and candid information regarding sexual health, and related issues. Health Services can provide the following: gynecological services, STI screening, HIV testing and education (including providing PrEP), pregnancy testing, and prescribing contraceptive medication for medical needs.

On Campus

Local Hospitals